
Tenacious. Driven by a desire to never stop learning, Gregory loves the next challenge.

Gregory embraces the moments he spends with his family, whether it is playing on the beach or mountains, jumping on a flight to a new destination, or enjoying a fun-filled activity. He knows that next year will always be the Cubs’ year, and Gregory’s strive for success is inspired by the Lou Holtz motivational quote “every day some ordinary person does something extraordinary, today is your day.”


Arizona State University, College of Law

Masters of Science in Accountancy, University of Notre Dame

B.S., Accounting, University of Arizona

Certified Public Accountant (Arizona, 2008)

Professional/ Community Involvement

Member of the TGen Ambassadors (2018 – Present)

Board Member – Gesher Disability Resources (2016 – 2019)

Awards/ Recognition

Selected as one of 30 people in their 30’s, AZ Business Magazine.

Before Weiss Brown

US Airways, Clifton Gunderson, KPMG

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